Talent Show 2024

On Thursday 13th June we enjoyed a whole-school talent show. Another fantastic suggestion by our student council. There was a wonderful array of talent on show – from comedians to break dancers, inventors to singers, there is no doubt that this is one talented bunch!

Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday 5th June we travelled to Donaghmoyne Fontenoys GAA club for our annual Sports Day. The children had great fun taking part in various races and stations. A huge thank you to our past pupils who helped organise the day. Well done everyone!

School Disco 2024

On Thursday 6th June the children were delighted to attend our annual school disco arranged by our student council. The student council organised disco lighting, the playlist and of course some disco accessories for each student. The photobooth was a particular hit with the students – have a look at the photos below!!

Lego Workshop

The boys and girls had great fun on Friday 15th March during our Lego workshop!

Halloween 2023

A huge well done to all of the boys and girls who took part in ‘Trick or Treat for Sick Children 2023’. We raised an amazing €267.30 for this very worthy cause and had great fun in the process!

Summer Term in 3rd and 4th

It’s hard to believe that another school year has come to an end but we have certainly finished with a busy, fun and sunny term.

We had our school tour, sports day and a visit from the ice-cream truck which was definitely a hit!

We were very lucky to have a visit from the library to teach us all about ‘Homes and Houses in the past’.


We completed our final projects on a topic of our choice and these turned out amazing with lots of new and exciting information shared between the children.

Next it was time to dive deep, under the sea, when they children created some 3D scenes using shoe boxes.


We used toy bricks to create some master pieces inspired by the famous Paul Klee.

We wrote poems in literacy and explored problem solving and weight in maths.

In French, we completed our blogs and thoroughly enjoyed exploring this new language!

All the work made us hungry  so we got busy blending and cooking and made smoothies and pizza which were simply delish!

Blessed with the sunshine, we had lots of fun outside playing rounders, no man’s land and dodgeball!

The children in 3rd and 4th have had an amazing year and their teacher is very proud of all their efforts and hard work.

Wishing everyone a very happy, funfilled summer!!!



School Disco

On Friday 9th June the children were delighted to attend our first ever school disco arranged by our student council. The student council organised disco lighting, the playlist and of course some disco accessories for each student. The photobooth was a particular hit with the students – have a look at the photos below!!

Sports Day 2023

On Thursday 8th June we travelled to Donaghmoyne Fontenoys GAA club for our annual Sports Day. The children (and teachers) had great fun taking part in various races and stations. A huge thank you to our past pupils who helped organise the day. Well done everyone!

School Tour 2023

Staff and pupils were full of excitement on Friday 19th May 2023 as we set off on our annual school tour. Our destination was the ‘Crystal Maze Outdoor Activity Venue’ in Kilmainhamwood. The children got involved in several physical, mental, skill and water-based challenges, based around Ireland’s largest hedge maze. We had a wonderful day!



This term, Debby has been teaching sewing to the children in all classes. We can’t believe how skillful they have become in just a few shorts weeks, and it’s clear how much they are really enjoying it!