Talent Show 2024

On Thursday 13th June we enjoyed a whole-school talent show. Another fantastic suggestion by our student council. There was a wonderful array of talent on show – from comedians to break dancers, inventors to singers, there is no doubt that this is one talented bunch!

Sports Day 2024

On Wednesday 5th June we travelled to Donaghmoyne Fontenoys GAA club for our annual Sports Day. The children had great fun taking part in various races and stations. A huge thank you to our past pupils who helped organise the day. Well done everyone!

School Disco 2024

On Thursday 6th June the children were delighted to attend our annual school disco arranged by our student council. The student council organised disco lighting, the playlist and of course some disco accessories for each student. The photobooth was a particular hit with the students – have a look at the photos below!!

The Final Terms in 5th & 6th Class

Lot of amazing work going on in the senior classroom as the pupils worked co-operatively in their buddy groups to plan, research, display and present outstanding projects on Greece and Homes Around the World in SESE. Peer assessment was used to assess progress which was interesting and a learning opportunity for all. Well done everyone!

The Irish language was authentically used with the superb fashion shows that were planned and showcased in groups. We were all very impressed with ‘An Seó Faisin’!

In English we engaged in our Literacy Circle activities for the Novel ‘The Climbing Boys’ by Irish author Ann Murtagh who visited the class on World Book Day. It was wonderful to meet Ann, listen to her inspiration for the story and to hear her top tips for aspiring authors.

William Shakespeare had a profound effect on the senior classes as we discussed and learned some of his poetry. After Easter we took to debating over a four week period which everyone enjoyed. Some very persuasive arguments were heard from the proposing and opposing teams and as for the judges, well needless to say there was no mercy!

We learned about weather and climate in Geography culminating in building some anemometers. There were lots of valuable facts learned about our solar system culminating in superb 3D planets being created.

Length in Maths was fun as we took to some measuring outdoors. Investigating the length of the circumference of the circle led to interesting discoveries. Most recently the properties of 2D & 3D shapes were explored in addition to some exciting probability experiments!

Life skills were attained with a 6 week programme delivered by Bike Green on cycle safety, following which 5th & 6th class pupils took to the roads to put all their safety training into practise. A very successful programme enjoyed by all and will hopefully be very valuable in keeping our pupils safe on our roads for many years to come.

We have had an exciting and adventurous year together which comes to an end as we say goodbye to our 6th class students. Thank you for the memories and the very best of luck to you all in Secondary School!

Have a wonderful summer everyone!!

Lego Workshop

The boys and girls had great fun on Friday 15th March during our Lego workshop!

Term 2 in 5th & 6th Class

There was lots of incredible work going on in 5th & 6th class since Halloween as the pupils worked co-operatively in their buddy groups to plan, research, display and present outstanding projects on The Vikings. We also learned a lot about Tourism in Ireland from which emerged wonderful Tourism brochures.


In Irish very entertaining and educative role plays were devised and produced on the theme of ‘Ag Siopadóireacht’. In English impressive narrative poems were wrote. In Science the pupils learned a lot about the human ear, its parts and functions and the mechanics of how the ear works. An integral part of this learning was experimenting with making a model ear and needless to say the results were amazing.

The pupils artistically created the most beautiful winter landscape scenes that I have ever seen. Lots of fun was had in mixing the paint and experimenting with obtaining lighter and darker shades. The results speak for themselves…well done everyone!



The lead into Christmas this year was a busy one, the highlight of which was what I can only describe as a breathtaking Christmas Carol Service. We hope you enjoyed the ‘Fairytale of Donaghmoyne’, 5th & 6th class style! Santa came to visit and it’s no surprise that all the boys and girls in the senior room are on the good list! Lots of other fun activities took place such as travelling to Inniskeen to watch ‘Shrek’ by Blackstaff NS, taking part in our whole school Christmas quiz, making Christmas cards using fabric & fibre and of course a class party with lots of sweets & treats.


Well done to the boys and girls in the senior classes for your attention, diligence and hard-work this term. Now lots of chocolate has been well earned over the Christmas break! Merry Christmas everyone and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Halloween 2023

A huge well done to all of the boys and girls who took part in ‘Trick or Treat for Sick Children 2023’. We raised an amazing €267.30 for this very worthy cause and had great fun in the process!

A Super Term in 5th & 6th Class

5th & 6th Class have had an amazing and very busy first term.

Impressive group projects on the Romans were planned, designed and presented. This learning inspired some unique Roman pottery pieces.


In Gaeilge the pupils learned about the topics of ‘Mé Féin’ and ‘Bia’. Delicious menus and recipes were planned as a result. In Maths the pupils did a lot of valuable work in Number and Data, especially in learning how to calculate averages.

In Science the pupils learned a lot about ‘The Eye’ leading to outstanding 3D models and a fun quiz afternoon.

The senior classroom has been a hive of musical activity this term from learning about musical instruments, to writing song lyrics to a very enjoyable karaoke session! We have also resumed tin whistle lessons and hopefully we can showcase this talent very soon.

Fr.Linus visited our classroom various times and we really enjoyed his teachings on Ghana and his friendly chats. He had great fun making cupcakes with the pupils and our student teacher Ms O’Connor!

The boys from 4th, 5th and 6th class represented our school with wonderful distinction in the Cumann na mBunscol school league this term. The boys won all but one of their games in which they were narrowly defeated. We are very proud of them all!

Lots of learning and fun took place on the theme of Halloween with Picasso Frankenstein Art work, poetry, report writing on Halloween traditions not to mention engaging in a variety of games & activities and of course having some delicious Halloween treats! Well done on all of your hard efforts this term 5th & 6th class. Have a SPOOKTACULAR HALLOWEEN and I can’t wait to see what our next term brings!!

Last term in 5th & 6th Class

The senior classroom has been host to a huge variety of activities this term.


Learning to knit was very successful and a lot of students became quite inspired by this new opportunity culminating in some wonderful crafts being formed from scarves to creative animals.


The girls participated exceptionally well in the Cumann na mBunscol school league and we were all very proud of their outstanding efforts. Well done girls!


Lots of very persuasive arguments filled the senior rooms as 5th & 6th Class teamed up with 3rd & 4th class for a number of weeks in order to plan and deliver debates on a variety of contentious motions. In Maths we engaged in a number of probability experiments. In SESE the pupils learned a lot about Ethiopia from their research and superb projects together with investigating the properties of materials in Science.


French conversations filled the air in these last few weeks as past pupil Áine delivered some inspiring French classes throughout the school.  The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their French lessons with lots of valuable phrases learned for future reference. Merci Áine!


Monaghan county museum facilitated a number of informative and beneficial workshops on the History of Photographs and Homes & Houses which were a huge hit in our classroom.


The highlights of this final term were undoubtedly our school tour to the Crystal Maze, our summer Disco, playing Tag Rugby, Sports Day and last but by no means least our end of year party. That’s a wrap for this year! Congratulations and the very best of luck to all 6th class students as they embark on their journey to Secondary School. Have a wonderful, fun filled summer everyone!



School Disco

On Friday 9th June the children were delighted to attend our first ever school disco arranged by our student council. The student council organised disco lighting, the playlist and of course some disco accessories for each student. The photobooth was a particular hit with the students – have a look at the photos below!!