We, the Board of Management and the Teachers of Donaghmoyne School seek to create an institution which promotes the physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and psychological well-being of the pupils that are enrolled in it. Its aim is to expand the development and potential of each individual child in the school in all of the above directions. It seeks to give them a foundation that will help to equip them for their role as citizens of this life as well as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Character formation is as much an objective of the school as is intellectual formation. The school will try to foster in the pupils pride in their locality and love of their country. We, the Board of Management and the Teachers, recognise our task as complementing the work of the parents and as subsidiary to the role of the parents. The State assists us in our endeavours.
The school provides Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes the formation of the pupils in the Catholic faith. It models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in Jesus Christ.
Finally we recognise the Catholic faith influence as permeating all the school activities, from which source the school also draws its inspiration.