Welcome Back Everyone!

Good Afternoon everyone,

It’s hard to believe that we are returning to school on Monday. The Summer has gone by so fast. I hope you all had a very enjoyable break and are well rested. We are very excited to welcome you all back, and we are looking forward to another amazing year in St Michaels.

Before returning, here is a quick reminder of a few school rules:

  • Gates open at 9.15 am, students are not insured to be on the premises before this time.
  • Junior Infants/ Senior Infants, 1st & 2nd Class, all enter the school via the main front door to the left when they enter the yard. 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th class will enter via the bottom door to the right  when the enter the yard. They will be directed by myself/ Debby / Nicola  so no need to worry.
  • Junior Infant parents are more than welcome to take their children into their classroom , for the first day. However, with limited space and lack of the middle yard (as building work on our new classroom has commenced), we would urge parents to enter and leave the building as soon as possible. Photographs can be taken in the yard before entering the classroom. Junior Infants will finish at 12pm for the first two weeks. This will allow them the time they need to adjust to the school life gradually, without exhausting them.
  • We are a health promoting school and would ask parents to refer to our healthy eating policy regarding appropriate school lunches. Due to several children with nut allergies, no products containing nuts are permitted on the premises.
  • Please ensure your child has all books/ copies etc with them on their first day. This will allow teachers the opportunity to get their classrooms set up and will enable  teaching to take place as soon as possible. Please label everything for your child!!!!!!
  • We are very excited to see our lovely new school jumper and we would ask parents to adhere to the school uniform. Plain grey tracksuit bottoms (not leggings) and grey polo t- shirt.
  • While we are no longer required to adhere to Covid 19 guidelines, we would ask parents to continue to promote and encourage good hygiene etiquette, as we will within the school.
  • School finishing time will return to 3pm for all classes, with students leaving via the same gate they enter from.


If there are any queries, please email stmichaelsnsdonaghmoyne@gmail.com

See you all Monday,

Ms Whelan.