First term in 5th & 6th Class

A spectacular first term has been had in 5th & 6th class. The pupils have settled in really well and have been exceptionally busy! We hit the ground running with a hectic but exciting first week partaking in the MS Readathon advertising campaign.

The pupils have worked so hard engaging in individual & group projects in SESE. They completed a study of various counties of Ireland, helping us to learn collectively about our wonderful nation. They also powerfully illustrated and dramatized the story of Setanta.

In Science the pupils engaged in a variety of light and shadow experiments. They learned about the reflection of light and demonstrated its purpose and function through making periscopes.

In Gaeilge the pupils learned about the topics of ‘Mé Féin’ and ‘Bia’. Entertaining drama scenes were created to illustrate ‘Míshásamh sa Bhialann’. In Maths the pupils did a lot of valuable work in Number and Data. In English we enjoyed engaging in a thrilling creative writing workshop with author Anthony Garvey.

Music, drama and a wealth of talents have merged in the senior classroom as we prepare to showcase our Christmas Show, ‘No One Wraps Like an Elf’. We are so excited for this! The pupils also enjoyed 6 fun-filled, active lessons with Move to Improve.

Of course, one of the highlights of this term was supporting our boys as they won the semi-final of their Cumann na mBunscol School football league. Well done on your wonderful achievement boys. I have no doubt these boys have a promising future ahead in the field of sport and we look forward to the final after Hallowe’en!!


Hope you all have a fun Halloween break and looking forward to the adventures that the next term brings!