We had a wonderful time getting ready for Hallowe’en this year. The pupils worked hard on creating spooky artwork. They wrote and dramatised Irish stories -‘An Cleas Iontach’ which were truly magnificent. They composed an interesting version of our poem ‘An Púca’ which will be able to be viewed on our Facebook page. They shared Hallowe’en stories and ‘Tall Tales’, discussed the History of Hallowe’en and enjoyed their fancy dress party on the last day! Have a SPOOKTACULAR Hallowe’en everyone!!
Happy Halloween 3rd and 4th Class
What a spook-tac-ular day it has been! Well done to everyone for the fantastic effort made with all of the costumes.
We had great fun today playing games, watching spooky movies and tucking into lots of treats – all well deserved by everyone.
3rd and 4th class have worked extremely hard this term They have really settled into their new room!
We have been busy learning All about Bats, Bia, Fractions and much much more.
Our Halloween Art turned out amazing.
Have a great week off everyone. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing everyone after the Mid-Term.
Happy Halloween!!
3rd and 4th Class
What a busy start to the year it has been in 3rd and 4th class. We have all been getting to know each other and we have settled into our new classroom.
The boys and girls have been working really hard, but have been having great fun too!
Maths has been all about adding and subtracting, and we have even challenged ourselves with some multiplication and division too.
The children have been revising all of their times tables and we are currently holding a bit of challenge to see who really knows them all.
We are enjoying reading Charlotte’s Web and look forward to watching the movie once we have completed the book.
The children have been enjoying GAA with Cillian every Tuesday with games and skills.
There are many budding artists in our room. See some of the masterpieces we have created below.
We received a lovely delivery of brand new board games to our room – a great addition for Golden Time!
Using Our ‘Maths Eyes’ During Maths Week 2020
Humpty Dumpty
Autumn Learning Adventures 2020
We have been busy learning lots about Autumn and seasonal change over the past number of weeks. We also learned about our senses and got outside to explore Autumn changes, while using these senses. The children also completed some leaf rubbings, clay hedgehogs and also experimented with ‘Pontillism’ to create some beautiful autumn trees. Well Done boys and girls!
Making Memories in Mrs. Mc Guirk’s Room
We have been busy this week in our history lessons, discussing changes we have gone through throughout our lives. The children created some beautiful memory books, to mark the special milestones in their lives. Some of the pupils also volunteered to come up and read their memory booklets to the class.
September in 5th & 6th Class
It has been an eventful September between getting to know one another, getting settled back at school after being off for such a lengthy period, getting used to new Covid rules and pod systems as well as having fun and learning new things. 5th and 6th Class have been amazing in the last few weeks and we are so proud of your hard work.
Some of our interesting adventures are illustrated below. We have been learning some of our Maths concepts outside where possible.
While learning about Setanta during History the boys and girls got into their respective roles most enthusiastically to interview Setanta and dramatize the main events of the popular Irish legend story which they proceeded to illustrate so imaginatively using fabric and fabric together with elements of nature such as moss, leaves and twigs.
In Geography over the past few weeks the pupils learned about the Provinces of Ireland, the counties in each with many taking on the challenge of learning quite a lengthy poem to remind them of the same. They designed a new Monaghan crest as part of this learning experience so watch out for some of these unique designs on the GAA merchandise in years to come!! We learned all about the history and meaning of our National Anthem. While singing is not permitted we learned to adapt by doing a little outside on a sunny day, humming to the song as well as listening and responding to various versions of our anthem which the kids enjoyed.
A busy but successful September and together we look forward to what October brings in our classroom!
Play-dough Fun!
Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos
Our infants have been working very hard on their Irish vocabulary this month. Follow the link below to see their rendition of “Ceann, Gualainn, Glúin is Cos”.