Kickboxing Success!

On Friday 30th November 2018, Annie, Molly and Maggie were graded in kickboxing. Annie received her brown belt, Molly received her purple belt and Maggie received her green belt.

Annie and Molly then had a kickboxing fight on Sunday 2nd December, with Annie receiving a silver medal and Molly receiving a bronze.

The girls attend kickboxing classes in Carrickmacross every week and have made fantastic progress over the past few years.

Well done girls!

Friendship Garden

On Tuesday 4th December 2018, the children from Ms. Atkinson’s room had the opportunity to help plant some lovely fruit trees in our new friendship garden. All children in the school then got to put their name on a tree which they will watch grow as they progress through the school. Our friendship garden was organised by the Parent’s Association and is a very welcome addition to our beautiful school. The children really enjoyed being a part of this very worthwhile event.

We would like to thank our parent’s association for organising our garden, as well as Paul and Russell from Callan’s Garden Centre Donaghmoyne for their help on the day. We can’t wait to enjoy the fruits of our labour!

Friendship Slogan and Friendship Poem Competition

To further encourage friendship and its importance in our school (as part of our Mental Health and Well-being Initiative), we held a ‘Friendship Slogan’ and ‘Acrostic Poem’ Competition. This was to encourage children to think about friendship and what a ‘good friend’ is.

We had lots of fantastic entries! Our chosen poem and slogans that represent the meaning of friendship can be seen below. Well done to all of the children that entered!


by Joseph
Friendship is caring,
Respecting others!
I think friendship is nice.
Everything about friendship is nice.
Nothing can break up friendship.
Don’t let anyone bully you!
Step up if your friends are getting bullied.
Helping others is friendship.
I like to play with my friends.
Please don’t be nasty to people and get more friends.


Friendship is …
by Ella 


Friendship is …
by Millie

‘Little Bo-Peep’s Christmas Mix-Up’

On Monday 3rd December 2018, the children of St. Michael’s National School travelled to The Garage Theatre in Monaghan to see ‘Little Bo-Peep’s Christmas Mix-Up’. We all had a fantastic day!

Late Late Toy Show

Congratulations to Eva (sixth class) who will take part in ‘The Late Late Toy Show’ for the second time on Friday 30th November 2018.

Best wishes on the night Eva!


Science Week 2018

Science Week is an annual event that took place from the 11th to the 18th of November 2018. On Tuesday 13th November 2018, Janette Lynch from Carrickmacross Library visited our school to allow the children to experiment with ‘Spaghetti Engineering’. The children really enjoyed making various structures from spaghetti, marshmallows and hot glue. Have a peek below at some of their efforts. Well done everyone for taking part!

Ulster Final Achievement

Well done to the Donaghmoyne under 12 girls football team who played during half-time at the Donaghmoyne ladies Ulster Final against Glenfinn on Saturday 3rd November 2018. A special word of congratulations to the seven girls from St. Michael’s National School who had the opportunity to play.

Community Games Champion!

Congratulations to sixth class student Eva on coming first in the Community Games Solo Singing Competition 2018. Eva travelled to Limerick to perform ‘Naughty’ from the musical Matilda. She was presented with a beautiful plaque at the County Monaghan Community Games award night.

We are all very proud of Eva’s wonderful achievement!


Halloween Party 2018

Ms Atkinson’s room celebrated Halloween with a dress-up Halloween party. Have a look at the photos below!