We have been busy learning lots about Autumn and seasonal change over the past number of weeks. We also learned about our senses and got outside to explore Autumn changes, while using these senses. The children also completed some leaf rubbings, clay hedgehogs and also experimented with ‘Pontillism’ to create some beautiful autumn trees. Well Done boys and girls!
Making Memories in Mrs. Mc Guirk’s Room
We have been busy this week in our history lessons, discussing changes we have gone through throughout our lives. The children created some beautiful memory books, to mark the special milestones in their lives. Some of the pupils also volunteered to come up and read their memory booklets to the class.
Our Art Work 2020-2021
We have some wonderful artists in our classroom…
Art in Mrs. McGuirk’s Room
Wellness Wednesday
During our school closure due to Covid -19, we were very conscious of the impact the virus was causing on our students and whole school community. As both a Health Promoting School and Active School, we decided to introduce an initiative called Wellness Wednesday to support children and families in maintaining fitness and mental health!
Every Wednesday, children and their families were encouraged to get active by choosing an activity from the list of Wellness Wednesday activities provided or doing something active of their own. See below some of the activities our pupils and families got up to!
We also introduced Zoom P.E. as part of Wellness Wednesday, where staff, pupils and their families got active each Wednesday by partaking in fun games and exercises guided by an online coach! To mark the end of our school year, we even held a Zoom Sports Day – which everyone really enjoyed.
Happy Easter Everyone!
World Book Day 2020
We were blown away by the effort made by all the children for World Book Day. They really made their favourite stories come to life. We had a parade to show case all the costumes and the children completed some fun activities in each of the classes.
See all the pictures below including our winners from each class who received a prize!
Well done everyone – We appreciate everyone’s effort to make World Book Day so much fun!
The Winners were: Lauren, Caoilte, Oran, Maggie-May, Calum, Cormac, Lucy and Tom – Well done!
Pancake Tuesday in Mrs. Mc Guirk’s Room
Today (Tuesday 25th February 2020) we had a Pancake themed day in our classroom.
1st, 2nd and 3rd class learned about the origins of Pancake Tuesday / Shrove Tuesday. We also learned how to sequence steps in making pancakes in our Irish lesson, and we completed maths challenge cards linked to the theme of pancakes. We also played a maths dice game with the theme of pancakes. We got active and sang ‘The Pancake Song’ and added in some cool actions. We composed our own acrostic PANCAKE poems. We learned about the way Pancake Tuesday is celebrated in other countries.
The children also got the chance to sample some delicious pancakes, courtesy of some of our parents who volunteered their time to come in and cook for them.
First Confession 2020
Six special pupils celebrated the Sacrament of Penance on Tuesday 25th February 2020 in St. Lastra’s Church, Donaghmoyne. Well done to the three girls and three boys in second class for their respectful and prayerful participation on the night. Every one of them should feel very proud of their efforts, both in preparation for and during the ceremony. The school choir sang beautifully and made the night a memorable one for the First Confession class. A massive thank you to Father Daly for celebrating this special occasion with us.
We hope that the children enjoyed this special ceremony and that they will look back with fond memories of their night.