Everyone settled back to school well and teacher is extremely proud of all of the work and participation that has taken place in her classroom since our return.
In English, we have spent lots of time working on our comprehension skills, looking at recount and instructional writing and focusing on the use of full-stops, commas and apostrophes. We wrote our own adventure stories, wrote instructions for our favourite sandwiches and composed instructions for a board game of our choice.
In Gaeilge, we focused on the themes of Mé Fein and Sa Bhaile and have learned lots of vocabulary around these themes. We loved taking part in the rap song ‘Is Mise Seán’. We have some future rappers in our midst.
Maths involved lots of practical challenges around the topics of addition and subtractions and we used lots of different strategies to work out math’s problems. We got plenty of use out of our Six Bricks in our challenges. We partipated in math’s week and completed lots of practical challenges, including a school math’s trail, math’s eyes activities and we also loved playing games on the Toolkit4maths and Topmarks websites.
In S.E.S.E, we learned about various homes and houses and changes in houses over time. We completed an interview with a family member to discover changes in their home over time. We learned about people who help us locally and in school. We also learned about our county and its natural features and compared our drumlin county to County Clare and the Burren. We spent the last week of autumn learning about Halloween Traditions, listened to Halloween riddles and jokes and we played some Halloween games.
In S.P.H.E. we learned about ways to deal with feelings that we don’t like to experience. We also learned about balanced diets and how to achieve this with the use of the food pyramid.
In Music we learned several autumn themed songs and started to learn the first notes on the tin whistle. We have also commenced practising for our Christmas play.
In Art we experimenting with printing using autumn colours, drew our ideal homes and completed several pieces of Halloween themed art.
In P.E., we practised ball handling skills and also participated in the Move to Improve Programme.
We also had a visit from a famous author, a magician and engaged in our monthly assemblies. All round a busy and productive term. We are ready to engage in the M.S. Readathon on our return in November. Well Done Everyone!!