Today, Saturday 22nd August 2020, was very special for our four very sixth class pupils; Tiernan, Eimar, Lauren and Jessica as their long awaited Confirmation Day had finally arrived. The staff and pupils of our school wish to congratulate you and wish you a fantastic day, as you now get the opportunity to celebrate this special sacrament.
Confirmation 2019
Congratulations to the 14 children from St. Michael’s N.S. who were confirmed by Mgr Joseph McGuinness on Sunday 12th May 2019 in St Patrick’s Church Broomfield. Sincere thanks to their parents, families, sponsors and teachers who prepared them so well for confirmation, and to all involved in the ceremony.
Our most heartfelt thanks to the choir for the fine choice of music and singing so beautifully, which greatly enriched the ceremony.
Confirmation 2018
Congratulations to all of the sixth class children in the parish of Donaghmoyne on making their confirmation on the 29th of April 2018 in St. Patrick’s Church, Broomfield.
Well done to the ten students from St. Michael’s National School who put in a fantastic effort in preparing for this special day.
Confirmation 2017
Saturday the 20th May 2017 marked a memorable occasion for all sixth class children from the schools in Donaghmoyne parish as they, together with their families, relatives and friends congregated in St.Patrick’s Church, Broomfield for the Sacrament of Confirmation. (more…)