Engineer Week in 3rd and 4th Class

We really enjoyed Engineers week as we built our very own catapults to send some objects flying across the room as well as building towers made from sticks and marshmallows. The children were very creative and worked extremely well in pairs and groups.

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2022 Rang a haon agus Rang a dó!!

Seachtain na Gaeilge takes place from 1st-17th March 2022 this year! We really made a big effort to use as many of our Irish phrases and vocabulary each day in class.  We would like to thank Muireann who we linked up with through ‘Crowdcast’ and enjoyed an interactive bilingual session with, on Wednesday 9th March.  We got dancing and learned some new Irish phrases too!! Thank-You to Monaghan County Library for putting us in touch!

What have 3rd and 4th Class been up to?

Well it has been a busy few weeks in 3rd and 4th class. From Cross making to cooking and lots in between!

We have been bringing our Procedural writing to life by getting stuck into some cooking. So far we have mastered pancakes and pizzas. We can’t wait to find out what’s next.



In Maths we had all the instruments in action as we measured different things around the school. The were estimating, measuring and recording.

St Brigid’s Day was a success as we all learned how to make crosses. This was a lesson for teacher too!


The children are currently all competing a project on a country of their choice – they are using the tablets to research and will be presenting all of the information to their peers when we finish.

Finally we are delighted to see the start of Spring. Just as the daffodils begin to appear, we have started to plant some seeds of our own. We are looking forward to watching our produce grow. The children are taking it in turns to remember to water our seeds and are enjoying seeing the first shoots appear.


Magnetism in 5th and 6th Class

We were all delighted to get back to school after Christmas and to begin working together again. January has been a busy month so far where the pupils have researched and compiled projects on Greece.  They have learned about the landscapes of some famous artists such as Monet from which their own unique Winter Landscapes emerged.

Our Accelerated Reader Programme is going from strength to strength with some pupils already achieving certificates and prizes. Keep up the fantastic reading everyone!

A lot of fun and learning took place in Science where we investigated Magnetism in depth which required the pupils to investigate making their own magnets together with designing their own magnet powered car. Take a look at the photos and click on the videos below to see their impressive results!

video 1

video 2

video 3

video 4


December in 3rd and 4th

From Christmas decorations, to snow globes to funky reindeer, the elves in 3rd and 4th class were very busy.

Our Christmas production was a huge success and everyone really enjoyed seeing all our hard work come together.


Heritage Schools came to visit. The children explored the school grounds, learning all about things that grow and live in our local environment. Ms Lennon learned a few things too!


We had two winners in 3rd and 4th class this month. Calum stole the prize for his artistic talents in the Donaghmoyne GAA colouring competition. Joshua collected his for the poster competition in a campaign to Save the Bees.


In Maths, it was a month for Lines and Angles, Shapes and Symmetry which the children really enjoyed.

It was chilly in SESE as we headed off to the Artic region to learn all about Polar Bears, Penguins and many more of the beautiful animals that love there.

We finished the month with Christmas jumpers and Christmas cheer. The children worked really hard in December so were well ready for the Christmas Holidays.


1st and 2nd Class spread love and kindness for Christmas 2021

We contacted Carepack a few weeks ago as we wanted to make a difference to the lives of nursing home residents this Christmas. Through Carepack we got 22 names of nursing home residents one of which was given to each child in the class. When the children were given their names they then went shopping with their parents to buy a special gift for their resident.

The children were so amazing. They bought the most incredible gifts and some of them even made their own by drawing pictures and placing them in frames so that their resident could have them forever. The children also designed their own cards and wrote heartfelt wishes and messages.

Participating in Carepack this year was wonderful. It spread so much love and joy in our classroom and made the children more aware of the gift of giving and the real difference it makes to the lives of others.

The entire school community are so proud of all the children in 1st and 2nd class and want to say thank you to their parents too who helped them to be creative and heartfelt in their gift giving.

Happy Christmas from 1st and 2nd Class.


Food Dudes

Food Dudes is an award winning curriculum-linked evidence-based healthy eating programme, developed to encourage children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. It is based on repeated tastings of fresh fruit and vegetables, rewards and positive role models.

The boys and girls were delighted to take part again this year, and enjoyed plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Well done everyone!

Feed the Bees Poster Competition

Last May, Carrickmacross Tidy Towns ran a poster competition titled ‘Feed the Bees’. There were lots of amazing entries from our school but the winner with his tagline ‘Don’t be a Hater, Save the Pollinator’ was Joshua Hughes in 3rd Class. He received his prize today. Well done Joshua!

1st and 2nd Class are ready for their Christmas Performance 2021

We had such great fun in our classroom preparing for our Christmas performance of ‘The Grinch who stole Christmas’. We worked so hard learning our lines, songs and dance routines and we were eagerly waiting for December 8th for our individual chance to shine. We got into the Christmas spirit for our special day by wearing our Christmas jumpers and accessories. Didn’t we look just fabulous?

We shone like the bright stars we are and we are so proud of ourselves.

Teacher said she is so proud of us too. We were so tired after all the hard work and excitement that we just had to take a well deserved rest!

We can’t wait for our parents to see the DVD.