On Thursday 6th June the children were delighted to attend our annual school disco arranged by our student council. The student council organised disco lighting, the playlist and of course some disco accessories for each student. The photobooth was a particular hit with the students – have a look at the photos below!!
The Final Terms in 5th & 6th Class
Lot of amazing work going on in the senior classroom as the pupils worked co-operatively in their buddy groups to plan, research, display and present outstanding projects on Greece and Homes Around the World in SESE. Peer assessment was used to assess progress which was interesting and a learning opportunity for all. Well done everyone!
The Irish language was authentically used with the superb fashion shows that were planned and showcased in groups. We were all very impressed with ‘An Seó Faisin’!
In English we engaged in our Literacy Circle activities for the Novel ‘The Climbing Boys’ by Irish author Ann Murtagh who visited the class on World Book Day. It was wonderful to meet Ann, listen to her inspiration for the story and to hear her top tips for aspiring authors.
William Shakespeare had a profound effect on the senior classes as we discussed and learned some of his poetry. After Easter we took to debating over a four week period which everyone enjoyed. Some very persuasive arguments were heard from the proposing and opposing teams and as for the judges, well needless to say there was no mercy!
We learned about weather and climate in Geography culminating in building some anemometers. There were lots of valuable facts learned about our solar system culminating in superb 3D planets being created.
Length in Maths was fun as we took to some measuring outdoors. Investigating the length of the circumference of the circle led to interesting discoveries. Most recently the properties of 2D & 3D shapes were explored in addition to some exciting probability experiments!
Life skills were attained with a 6 week programme delivered by Bike Green on cycle safety, following which 5th & 6th class pupils took to the roads to put all their safety training into practise. A very successful programme enjoyed by all and will hopefully be very valuable in keeping our pupils safe on our roads for many years to come.
We have had an exciting and adventurous year together which comes to an end as we say goodbye to our 6th class students. Thank you for the memories and the very best of luck to you all in Secondary School!
Have a wonderful summer everyone!!
Lego Workshop
The boys and girls had great fun on Friday 15th March during our Lego workshop!
St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Junior and Senior Infants!
As part of our ACTIVE SCHOOL Campaign and our HEALTH PROMOTING SCHOOL Campaign and as part of our ‘Transport’ Theme in our GREEN SCHOOL’S Campaign, our whole school take part in WOW (Walk on Wednesday)on the first Wednesday of each month. It’s a great way to come together as a school community, getting some exercise and having a chat with our friends before school commences. Look at some of the pictures below!
Busy Bunnies in February!!
First and Second Class have been very busy during February. We learned lots about Saint Brigid and Lent in Religion. Second Class also celebrated their First Penance on 13th February. In Irish we learned about ‘An Gruagaire’ and even sang a hair themed song on ‘Crazy Hair Day’. Maths was all about positional language and shape – we sang lots of songs, danced to different directional instructions and played lots of interactive games involving these topics. We also made our very own shape people. In English, we learned a spring poem and wrote some fantastic spring poems of our own, which we presented to our classmates. We learned about water and the importance of water in Science and in History we visited the topic of the Chinese New Year. We learned about Saint Valentine and the traditions of this special occasion. We created lovely cards for someone special in our lives. We learned about Internet Safety on Safer Internet Day in S.P.H.E. and we also learned about family types and the importance of being part of a family. We enjoyed learning new soccer skills with Euan and putting them to practice in some very competitive games. We also tried a little Irish dancing in class and showed our fantastic rhythmic abilities. As part of our in class rewards system, we got to bring in board games and had great fun playing these together. Well Done boys and girls on a fantastic months work!
2-D Shape Work in 1st and 2nd Class
In February in Maths, we have been busy learning about directions and shapes. We learned different positional language terms and practiced directions in various online games and also in dance activities. We even had the opportunity to get outdoors and find and take photographs of various 2-D shapes in our school environment. We also worked in groups to make 2-D shapes with our bodies. When we came indoors, each group explained which 2-D shapes they found, using the interactive whiteboard. Well done boys and girls! Who knew we had so many shapes all around us.
Sacrament of Penance 2024
Eighteen wonderful pupils celebrated the Sacrament of Penance on Tuesday 13th of February in St. Lastra’s Church, Donaghmoyne.
Well done and congratulations to the nine boys and nine girls in second class for their respectful and prayerful participation on the evening of their First Confession.
Every one of them should feel very proud of their efforts, both in preparation for and during the ceremony. The occasion was a memorable one, enhanced by beautiful singing and readings. Thank-you to all our pupils for joining our choir on the night!
A huge thank you to Father Daly for celebrating this special occasion with us.
Super Stars 2024-2025!!
Each week, a child is chosen in either Third Class or Fourth Class to be our SUPER STAR!! They can be chosen for lots of reasons, such as, being kind to someone, showing good manners, showing good listening skills or improving at something they have found to be difficult. The SUPER STAR of the week is chosen each Friday, gets to bring home our class trophy for the week and returns it the following Thursday. The Trophy will be sanitized before it is sent home with each child. Have a look at our SUPER STARS below!!