The boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class joined their first Zoom Art Session on Friday 5th March 2021.
They made some 3-D trees using paint and card.
Parents , please check your emails for access to the list of resources and zoom link for this weeks Art class.
We have been busy in our classroom learning about different winter birds. We looked at bird names, the life-cycle of a bird, the parts of a bird and their functions. We also watched a nature show, learning about the habits of birds. The pupils were also given a practical task to design and make their own bird feeders, using recyclable materials. We created some lovely winter pictures, using printing with paint.
Have a peek below at some of the bird feeders we made!
What an amazing display of Talent Today
Congratulations and Well Done to our Participants
Well done to Joshua Hughes in Second Class, who picked the winning title for our Christmas DVD. I think everyone will agree the title ‘Not Such a Silent Night!’ is very apt for our production.
Mrs. Mc Guirk’s Little Angels have been very busy preparing for Christmas and are super excited about our Christmas recording today!
We had great fun this Halloween in St. Michael’s National School. We took part in ‘Trick or Treat for Temple Street, and raised over €300 for this fantastic cause. Thank you to all for your donations!
We also held a socially-distanced fancy dress parade and fancy dress competition. Congratulations to our winners – Erin, Tiernan, Sophia, Tara, Neasa, Killian, Jamie and Emily.
We have an amazing first term here in St. Michael’s National School. We look forward to seeing you all in November!
Although we celebrated Halloween in a slightly different way this year, we still participated in lots of Halloween activities. We learned lots about the History of Halloween and its’ traditions in S.E.S.E., we learned lots of tips about keeping safe in S.P.H.E. and created our own safety tips posters, we wrote our own acrostic Halloween poems and completed Halloween Spiders and Frames in Art. We were delighted that we still got the opportunity to dress up and participate in a fancy dress parade! The outfits were fabulous! We finished our last day before our Halloween holidays, with a Halloween movie and some tasty treats.
Congratulations to all students who took part in, and successfully completed, our Summer Reading Challenge 2020. This was the first year of our Summer Reading initiative and it has been wonderful to see the children to eager to take part! Our successful participants were awarded with medals for all of their hard work. Well done boys and girls!