First Holy Communion 2018

The 5th of May 2018 was a momentous occasion for the first communicants in St.Michael’s N.S. The community of Donaghmoyne gathered together with pride to watch these twelve children (four girls and eight boys) make their First Holy Communion. The children’s participation on the day, combined with their artwork to decorate the Church made it truly memorable for all.

The school choir also enhanced the ceremony beautifully. This long anticipated day was a huge success. Well done to the first communicants and to their families for all their hard work on the journey that led to this day. Heartfelt thanks to our officiating priest, Father Daly, and to all those involved.  

Active Schools Week 2018

As part of our Active Flag Campaign and to celebrate Active Schools week,  we had a spring themed Sports Day on Friday 27th April 2018. These events were supervised by the staff and members of the Active Schools Committee. All these events were fun and encouraged physical activity in a fun setting! Please have a peek at the wonderful things our children got up to on the day.

Active Non-Competitive Running Initiative

This initiative proved successful in our school. We began our running challenge in March 2019 and have been doing it everyday. Weather didn’t stop our efforts! We used our walking track for this initiative, running ten laps or  1 km  each day per classroom. This equated to 3km a day and 15km per week! Our challenge was to complete 60km in total, within the space of 4 weeks. We tried to do our running after lunch and this kept us awake and alert to complete our afternoon’s work. Before and after our run our Active Leaders lead some warm-up and cool-down activities. The children really enjoyed this initiative and we still get the children out for a jog as part of our active breaks!

Oral Hygiene Workshop

On 8th March ’17 Maureen Mc Inearney visited our school to train our staff on the importance of oral health for children. Staff completed a course to equip them with the skills necessary to teach children about how necessary it is for them to look after their teeth and gums. Parents also received a lesson on oral hygiene in a workshop provided by Maureen. Everyone learned about the importance of correct teeth brushing and a healthy diet to ensure a healthy smile. Children received certificates and oral hygiene packs from Maureen for completing the Mighty Mouth Programme.