Halloween 2018

Everyone had fantastic fun this Halloween in St. Michael’s National School. We took part in ‘Trick or Treat for Temple Street’, raising some much needed funds for Temple Street hospital. We dressed up and played games to wind down after a busy first term.

We held a fancy dress competition; winners are pictured below.


As part of our Active Schools Campaign, we also decided to hold a Halloween themed active event. This included Halloween orienteering, mandarin and spoon races, pass the pumpkin, score the skeleton, spooky musical statues, a broomstick relay, wrap the mummy and hunt the witch. The children had lots of fun taking part!

Well done to everyone for their participation and to our active leaders who helped make the event a success!

Halloween In Our Classroom 2018

Halloween in Our Classroom 2018!

This year we were ‘SPOOKTACULARLY‘ busy in Mrs Mc Guirk’s classroom.  We created many pieces of art which can be seen below in our  gallery.  We played Irish games and sang Irish Songs for ‘Oíche Shamhna’.  We created some lovely ‘Cartaí Oíche Shamhna’ and ‘Mascanna’.  We looked at Acrostic Poems and Mrs. Mc Guirk was delighted with the creativity shown by her pupils when they wrote some of their own.  We learned about Halloween Safety in S.P.H.E. and also learned about the History of Halloween in History!  In music, we practised our moves to some Halloween Songs.  On the day of our Halloween Holidays we celebrated by dressing up for Temple Street Children’s Hospital and also getting involved in an active Halloween themed event as part of our Active School and Health Promoting School campaign. Pictures of our Halloween dress up for Temple Street and our dress up winners can be seen in our Temple Street Post! Pictures of our active event can be seen on our Active Flag Page.  After all this activity, we still had time to make spooky buns and play some fun Halloween Games.

8 Rhyme Challenge

All the children in Junior and Senior Infants have been working very hard since September to learn one rhyme per week. They have all just succeeded in completing their very first 8 Rhyme Challenge this year. Mrs Campbell is really proud of everyone. Congratulations to all the boys and girls on being awarded their Certificate!!

Halloween Art in Infants

Junior and Senior Infants made the most creative and personalised Frankenstein Hallowe’en cards for their loved ones. Well done everyone!!

Conor Mc Skeane Memorial Shield 2018

Congratulations to the children who won the Conor Mc Skeane Shield in September 2018. Well done on your fantastic efforts! It is wonderful to see our school competing in this very special and worthwhile annual event.

Halloween Art 2018

Ms Atkinson’s class created Picasso-inspired Frankenstein Posters to celebrate Halloween 2018.

Cumann na mBunscol Success!

Congratulations to St. Michael’s National School boys football team who came second in their division in the Cumann na mBunscol league. They displayed great skill and sportsmanship in the final, where they were defeated by Deravoy National School on Saturday 20th October. We would like to congratulate the boys, who will go down in history as one of the only teams from St. Michael’s National School to make it to the final. The boys produced an outstanding performance, of which they should be very proud!


We would like to thank everyone who came out on the day to support the boys. Also, a special word of thanks to Peter Boylan for his commitment in training the boys.


St. Michael’s National School Team with Monaghan captain Colin Walshe


Shane (Captain) receiving his medal from Monaghan’s Colin Walshe

Art Gallery

Take a look and you will see some of the outstanding art activities that the children took part in since September. What a wonderful effort by all!

Humpty Dumpty


Infants worked really hard a few weeks ago to put Humpty Dumpty back together again…It was a challenging task but they did a miraculous job!!!

Maths Week in Infants

Maths Week in the Infant Classroom was a huge success! The children participated in a variety of activities including skip counting from 2 to 30 as they skipped, and marching and jumping to the accompanying music. They also chanted number rhymes with our rhyme of the week being one of our favourites, Two Little Dickie Birds. The children also worked impressively in pairs to engage in our Maths Trail at the end of the week. Well done to all for their participation and effort!!