Congratulations to all students who took part in, and successfully completed, our Summer Reading Challenge 2020. This was the first year of our Summer Reading initiative and it has been wonderful to see the children to eager to take part! Our successful participants were awarded with medals for all of their hard work. Well done boys and girls!
Hallowe’en in 5th & 6th Class
We had a wonderful time getting ready for Hallowe’en this year. The pupils worked hard on creating spooky artwork. They wrote and dramatised Irish stories -‘An Cleas Iontach’ which were truly magnificent. They composed an interesting version of our poem ‘An Púca’ which will be able to be viewed on our Facebook page. They shared Hallowe’en stories and ‘Tall Tales’, discussed the History of Hallowe’en and enjoyed their fancy dress party on the last day! Have a SPOOKTACULAR Hallowe’en everyone!!
September in 5th & 6th Class
It has been an eventful September between getting to know one another, getting settled back at school after being off for such a lengthy period, getting used to new Covid rules and pod systems as well as having fun and learning new things. 5th and 6th Class have been amazing in the last few weeks and we are so proud of your hard work.
Some of our interesting adventures are illustrated below. We have been learning some of our Maths concepts outside where possible.
While learning about Setanta during History the boys and girls got into their respective roles most enthusiastically to interview Setanta and dramatize the main events of the popular Irish legend story which they proceeded to illustrate so imaginatively using fabric and fabric together with elements of nature such as moss, leaves and twigs.
In Geography over the past few weeks the pupils learned about the Provinces of Ireland, the counties in each with many taking on the challenge of learning quite a lengthy poem to remind them of the same. They designed a new Monaghan crest as part of this learning experience so watch out for some of these unique designs on the GAA merchandise in years to come!! We learned all about the history and meaning of our National Anthem. While singing is not permitted we learned to adapt by doing a little outside on a sunny day, humming to the song as well as listening and responding to various versions of our anthem which the kids enjoyed.
A busy but successful September and together we look forward to what October brings in our classroom!
Confirmation 2020
Today, Saturday 22nd August 2020, was very special for our four very sixth class pupils; Tiernan, Eimar, Lauren and Jessica as their long awaited Confirmation Day had finally arrived. The staff and pupils of our school wish to congratulate you and wish you a fantastic day, as you now get the opportunity to celebrate this special sacrament.
Graduation 2020… With a Difference!
After over three months apart, the students, parents, families and staff of St. Michael’s National School came together today to show the most amazing display of solidarity and community spirit in saying farewell to their 6th Class students.
Tiernan, Lauren, Jessica and Eimar received one of the most remarkable and memorable send offs St. Michael’s N.S. has ever seen. They were showered with gifts and treats as they stood and waved farewell to all of their peers who came and took part in the parade. What a wonderful way to finish their eight years in primary school.
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone, especially the Parents Association and our wonderful staff for making this day possible.
Thank you to all our families who came out in support.
Wellness Wednesday
During our school closure due to Covid -19, we were very conscious of the impact the virus was causing on our students and whole school community. As both a Health Promoting School and Active School, we decided to introduce an initiative called Wellness Wednesday to support children and families in maintaining fitness and mental health!
Every Wednesday, children and their families were encouraged to get active by choosing an activity from the list of Wellness Wednesday activities provided or doing something active of their own. See below some of the activities our pupils and families got up to!
We also introduced Zoom P.E. as part of Wellness Wednesday, where staff, pupils and their families got active each Wednesday by partaking in fun games and exercises guided by an online coach! To mark the end of our school year, we even held a Zoom Sports Day – which everyone really enjoyed.
Happy Easter Everyone!
World Book Day 2020
We were blown away by the effort made by all the children for World Book Day. They really made their favourite stories come to life. We had a parade to show case all the costumes and the children completed some fun activities in each of the classes.
See all the pictures below including our winners from each class who received a prize!
Well done everyone – We appreciate everyone’s effort to make World Book Day so much fun!
The Winners were: Lauren, Caoilte, Oran, Maggie-May, Calum, Cormac, Lucy and Tom – Well done!
Christmas Fun at School!
We had a very special visitor at school today. The children were very excited to see Santa. They performed some Christmas songs and poems that they have been learning in class. Santa had a gift for every child which can be enjoyed over the holidays.
Our Christmas jumper competition was a success. Well done to all those who made an extra effort, Winners received a beautiful Christmas book – see pictures below.
On behalf of everyone here at St. Michael’s, we would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas. See you all in 2020.
A trip to the Theatre
We had an excellent time at the Iontas Theatre in Castleblaney on Friday. Snow White was a fantastic show and even the teachers took to the stage!
Well done to our own students who had a role in the show – Lauren, Erin, Neasa, Lucy, Katie, Isobel and Grace; Hollywood, here they come!