Our infants have been very busy leading up to the Summer holidays! Junior and senior infants decided to arrange a few ‘fun days’ in celebration of all of their hard work this year. The children decided on the activities themselves and what a fun-filled week we have had as a result!
We had a ‘show and tell’ session, where the children brought in one special toy from home to show their friends.
We had a ‘pyjama and popcorn’ day where the children got to relax with a movie and some treats!
The children were delighted with a surprise visit from the ice cream van during our ‘ice cream day’.
We had a bubble party in the sunshine!
We made yummy pizzas for our lunch.
And finally, we went to Donaghmoyne Park for a teddy bears picnic! The children (and teddies) had great fun enjoying their lunch in the sunshine and playing with their friends in the park!
Well done infants on a fantastic year – we are so proud of how much you have achieved! Enjoy your Summer!